My Favorite

“The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life. Attitude, to me, is more important than facts. It is more important than the past, the education, the money, than circumstances, than failure, than successes, than what other people think or say or do. It is more important than appearance, giftedness or skill. It will make or break a company... a church... a home. The remarkable thing is we have a choice everyday regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day. We cannot change our past... we cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way. We cannot change the inevitable. The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude. I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% of how I react to it. And so it is with you...we are in charge of our attitudes.”

Monday, May 23, 2011

Reaction to tornado in Joplin, Missouri

I turned on the 5:00 news this evening to find coverage on the tornado that hit Joplin, Missouri on Sunday evening.  It was an unbelievable scene--there were over 160 lives lost and the deadliest tornado since 1947.  It just got me thinking about some different things...

I came across someones Facebook status that stated something along the lines of "Don't have a phone...FML." 
*This may seem like a big deal to you, not having a phone and all, but lets consider not having a home, having only the clothes on your back, no food, no running water, losing your favorite pet, or even worse, losing a loved one.  I think the last thing on your mind after being effected by something like this would be having a cell phone...I suppose this gives meaning to the old saying, "don't sweat the small stuff"...

This also got me thinking about the whole "Dooms Day" ordeal that everyone has been ranting and raving about.  I'm definitely no religious guru, but the recent storms that have been sweeping the globe just have me wondering what if these "Christian's in Caravans" have a lead on the end being have you been leading your life?  And even if the end isn't near, and these religious gurus aren't right about the end days being near, the question can still be asked, "how are you leading your life"?  Are you in good standings with those that are important to you, with God?  Have you done everything you've wanted, or crossed off what you could on your bucket list?  Do you even have a bucket list?  I guess it's a bit unfortunate that it takes events like this to have us posing questions about the way we are leading our lives.  However, on the bright side, events like this help to value what we have and value the people we love.  <3

I hope that everything works out for those effected by the recent storms that have been taking place in our nation...and you are in many people's thoughts and prayers.  Hope that this post may have posed some questions and thoughts for you if you are reading this too.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Caravan of Christians and Other Stuff

1.)  Not really sure if the world is going to end tomorrow like the caravan of Christians is predicting...but if it does, at least I had a few good beers last night (and a 10 piece chicken nugget meal) on my 'last Thursday'... ...

2.)  If the world happens to NOT end tomorrow, I think I need a change of venue.  I've spent quite a bit of time and hard earned money at the local bars over the past couple of years--not to mention have also met some really great people in the mix of it all.  However, I'm starting to realize that my nights of sipping on Fat Tire or choking down an Irish Car Bomb aren't really getting me anywhere.  Not to mention that the past couple of weeks when I have left the bar, I've gone home in a foul mood...this could be because I'm going home 'empty handed', but I'm going to blame it on the immature drama that usually emcompasses the late night bar scene.  Tired of bitches who think they're tough.  Tired of people being in relationships just to 'be in a relationship' and hurting others while doing so.  Somewhat tired of the cheesy pick up lines.  Tired of cleaning up vomit...and also tired of dirty pirate hookers messing up everything.

3.)  You say you want one thing, but do another.  If you are going to talk the talk, then walk the walk.  Grow up, take some responsibility for your actions and your words. 

I think I can finally get back to my to-do list.  :-)

Warm Welcome!

First it was AOL Instant Messenger which is where I learned the joys of using emoticions :-), next, MySpace, which I never really did spend much time on, then it was Facebook...(I have yet to jump on the Twitter bandwagon). 
I have to admit--I spend a discusting amount of time on facebook whether it is updating my status every half hour, looking up old friends, posting inspirational quotes or (okay, here it goes) creeping on the current cutie I'm crushing on.  I've considered blogging in the past just because I love to share my ideas, stories, jokes or even inspirational quotes--you never know whose path you are going to cross and the impact you my have on his/her day. 
There is an artist by the name of Kelly Rae Roberts (I recommend checking out her blog, her facebook page, and her AMAZING inspirational artwork ).  Well,  I came across her blog and in doing so, this sparked my interest in blogging, so I thought I'd give it a shot and see if I get any responses.  I suppose I'll make my first blog post by sharing a little bit about myself and where I come from.  Thanks for taking the time to stop by and I hope you enjoy what you read!  :-)

Well, it's Alexandra (for those of you wondering), it's not Alexandria, Alexsandra, or even Alexander (loved those doctor office visits where the nurses FAIL at reading).  I grew up in Waterloo, Iowa in the greatest neighborhood in my opinion--there were plenty of friends, swing sets, and sidewalks for chalking or attempting to fry an egg on a hot day.  I remember spending a lot of my time playing outside with friends--playing 'around the world' where the winner would get a dunkaroo and a soda for winning, and the loser would get a dunkaroo and a soda for losing.
When I was 14, my parents chose to move my family to Georgia.  Now when most people hear Georgia, they ususally think of Atlanta or a suburb of Atlanta...however, I was fortunate to live the in the Blue Ridge Mountain area of Georgia.  Lets just say you couldn't have found the town we lived in on a map--you could however find this town in the movie, "Deliverence".  Now for the most part, the town wasn't full of imbred individuals or your "you might be a redneck if"...but there was also no lack thereof. 
Because I was just starting my first year of  high school and was still recovering from a culture shock, I found my happiness in going to church whenever possible.  I met what I thought was a good group of friends--they seemed to be interested and involved in many of the same things I was which was (at the time) music/choir, drama, church, and volunteering.  Life was good--I had the church, my friends, my family, and the beauty of the mountains around me--not to mention, endless recreational activities including: hiking, white water rafting, rock climbing and sight-seeing.
My freshman and sophomore years flashed before me, and then the day came where my parents broke the news to me that we were going to be moving back to Iowa.  Of course I was sad that I had to leave my friends and my church family behind, but I had hope that my old Iowa friends were all still around and willing to take me back :-).
So the journey continued, we moved back to the land of corn and beans.  To make the move more adjustable, my parents decided to open enroll my sister and I in a smaller school system because that was what we had adapted to in Georgia--enter Hudson High. 
High school was an interesting time in my life--we'll just put it that way.  I didn't play any sports, but definately partook in the high school show choir which was fun while it lasted.  Two years had passed, then graduation day came--I specifically remember driving down our country road listening to "Closing  Time" by Semisonic, on my way to the big day, crying my eyes out--for no particular reason.  I couldn't have been happier to get out of high school and away from the drama.  (I think I just wanted one last chance at being a drama queen).
Community College was my choice--Hawekeye Community College.  I actually really enjoyed the small class sizes and the smaller campus.  I liked that I could have one on one time with my professors, and I knew my classmates.  Okay, okay, so I sound like a radio ad for community college, but I was a student ambassador for some time being...that was one of the funest things I have done.  It really helped bring me out of my shell and helped me to meet lots of people.
Transfered to UNI and declared my major in Health Promotion:Fitness Management.  I forgot to mention that while I was rocking the whole community college thing, I decided to become a health nut.  Lost some weight, started exercising and eating healthy and decided I wanted to help others do the same.  When I moved up to UNI, this was my first time moving out on my own.
My first place was a Sterling Apartments (of course).  I had random roommates, and despite our few pet peeves and ocassional catiness, we all got along pretty well.  A few houses later, a few evicted roommates later (evicted roommates, who shall not be named-if you are reading this, I still love you and hope all is well!), and one Bachelor of Science degree in Health Promotion, pretty much leads me to present day.  Spent some time (2 years) working at one of the local bars in Cedar Falls, and have now moved on to...well, working at another bar/restaurant.  I suppose I can justify this in that this establishment is 'classier, high-end, and has live music'?  I'll also be nannying full time this summer--love that I can side walk chalk, watch Spiderman on a rainy day, visit the petting zoo AND get paid for this...=).  After this summer is over I'm playing around with the idea of going back to school to get my BSN.  Guarenteed employment and lots of opportunities :-).  Woah, did my life just flash before your eyes? 
That's enough for now.
Watch for more blogging!  =)